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“I treat others as I like to be treated, with straight talk and a problem-solving attitude. It's OK to say 'I don't know,' we'll figure it out together.”
Andreas Stavropoulos

Andreas invests in consumer and enterprise infrastructure, mobility, and technology-enabled services. He currently serves on the boards of Balena, CircleCI, Diamanti, Forward Networks, Mythic, NumberAI, and Tango, and supports Zymergen (NASDAQ:ZY). Past investments include Appstream (Symantec), Centerpost (West Corp.), Epocrates (NASDAQ: ATHN), Everdream (Dell), Lexent Bio (Foundation Medicine), Mobile 365 (Sybase), Meetup (WeWork), Silverpop (IBM), Vizu (Nielsen), and Yodle (Web.com).

At their core, all of his investments have a platform element. Andreas believes that if entrepreneurs do things correctly and build a springboard, they can solve problems and quickly escalate the value they put into the ecosystem.

He graduated Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude from Harvard University in computer science, along with an MA degree, and was first in his class at Harvard Business School where he was a Baker Scholar. He previously worked for McKinsey & Company and Cornerstone Research.